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President’s Message

As the first Municipal President of the Association, this will be a unique opportunity for the association to have an increased awareness with other agencies.  My goal over the next two years will be to collaborate with the Alberta Fire Chiefs Association, build a stronger relationship, and increase awareness about our association with other emergency services agencies.  The membership in our association has played a critical role in Public Safety events such as the Fort McMurray wildfire. With an increase in cross-collaboration and awareness, I feel we can have a bigger impact within the communities we operate in, during times of crisis.  I look forward to building a stronger and sustainable association, while fostering a new beginning between the industrial and municipal emergency services agencies in Alberta.

I would like to thank our present members who value and recognize the benefits that AIFEMA offers their company. Also thank you to our past and present executive as we continue to progress and build a strong and unique association.

Best Wishes,

Jason Linton
President, AIFEMA